It's been a while guys, well it's already 4 years (lol) or 5. Last month i'm already post something you guys can check it in last post. Today i wanna post and review a game it's called stardew valley. Well this game pricey, seriously about $14,99 and $7.99 in android. Well you can support the company here. Look like a harvest moon but different. Why i call it different? in harvest moon you can't move to another town, killing monster even you got sword and item like dragon quest, change wives (LOL), a puzzle or meet the witch in harvest moon we met Goddess and dwarf. But in this game you can do it. If you don’t know about this game here a screen shot about the game called STARDEW VALLEY.
this game is for Chilling of course.
SECOND, if you wanna support the creator you
can click here
THIRD, here for Download:
1. For the Game you can click here (LOL), for go to stardew valley
2. And for the OFFLINE mode stardew valley you can click on there.
Please comment if you have problem for stardew
valley (P.S) maybe i can help you (lol)
*If you want to search stardew valley click here for wiki/guide.